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Ace boon coon means main person. Your number one .. Someone you appreciate and care about alot

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Keely Wyman

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2y ago
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Q: What does ace boon means?
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What does ace boon coon mean?

Ace boon coon means main person. Your number one .. Someone you appreciate and care about alot

What is an ace boon coon?

"Ace boon coon" is a term used in African American vernacular to describe a close friend or companion. It is a slang term that originated in the United States.

Do wayana love you?

yes she do love me she's me ace boon cooon

What are some slang terms for friend?

palchumbuddypartnerHomie, Ace-Boon-Coon, , Right Hand

Where did the phrase Ace Boon Coon originate?

From the Hood thats how we do. Aight its all good

What means boon?

Boon can be used as a noun or adjective. As a noun, "boon" means a benefit bestowed, especially in response to a request; a timely blessing or benefit. Example, the money Tom gave Susie was a boon to her finances. As an adjective, "boon" means convivial or jolly. Example: Julie has a boon personality.

What does boon mean?

Boon can be used as a noun or adjective. As a noun, "boon" means a benefit bestowed, especially in response to a request; a timely blessing or benefit. Example, the money Tom gave Susie was a boon to her finances. As an adjective, "boon" means convivial or jolly. Example: Julie has a boon personality.

What does the word boon mean?

Boon means gift, or favor. Something either given or done, as an act of generosity.

What is boon or bane?

The phrase "boon or bane" means pros and cons. It is used to refer to the good and bad of something.

What is boon in sanskrit?

The word "boon" in Sanskrit is translated as "अनुग्रह" (anugraha), which means a favor, blessing, or grace given with goodwill.

What is a word that means the best and begins with the letter a?

Ace is a word that means the best. Ace is the best card in a deck of cards. Ace also means a person who excels at a particular activity. For example, a fighter pilot who is credited with shooting down several enemy aircraft is known as an ace.

What does ACE mean on someone's business card?

ACE on someone's business card means they are an expert.