A dotted minim is a three beat note in music.
The value of the dot immediately after a minim is equivalent to two quavers.
Like any other note, how many beats it is worth depends entirely on the time signature. But it is equivalent to a half note. The bottom number of the time signature indicates which note equals one beat. In 4/4 time, a quarter note gets one beat, so a minim would be equal to 2 beats. In 2/2 time (or 4/2, or anything else with a 2 on the bottom), a half note is one beat, so also a minim would be one beat.
2 A minim lasts for 2 beats and a semibreve lasts for 4.
A semiquaver (16th note) takes 1/4 beats. Two crotchets (quarter notes) take 2 beats. Hence in duration, 8 semiquavers are equivalent to two crotchets.
its a stick with a clear circle
A minim has 2 beats it's like a crotchet except white in it dot
Yes, as in the same way, when a dot is put after a minim becomes a dotted minim, a dot after a minim rest makes it a dotted minim rest.
The value of a minim rest is identical to that of a minim note.
name for minim
what dose a minim in music do?
A minim is a measurement of time in music. A minim is equal to crotchet beats.
a dotted minim
The dotted minim is a minim note in which the time value is extended by a half of its value by a dot.