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On January 9, 2012 at 8:01 pm User:M_dawg141[0] said:

Watching it, I don't really understand the part where Joe (as Jabba) says something and in the subtitles it says "4. Joey Buttafuoco's pants." So I was wondering where it came from and why it made one of the Late Show with David Letterman lists. Also what was the list of/what else was on it? Any help would be great thanks!

Joey Buttafuco was the punch line for David Letterman for quite some time. He thought the name just sounded funny. In a nutshell Joey Buttafuco was a man who cheated on his wife with Amy Fisher. Amy Fisher showed up to Joey's house and shot his wife in the head. For a more detailed explanation, I'm sure there's a Wiki entry for them and the incident.

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Q: What does a joke from Family Guy's Star Wars It's a trap mean?
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What is the joke from the UPS guy in Family Guy's it's a trap?

Saying they let the FedEx guy add a joke to the show in the opening crawl is a joke in itself. They didn't actually do that.

What is the flying house for in LEGO city in Star Wars the complete saga?

The house does nothing, just something made up by nintendo, same for every console. The house that floats doesn't matter at all, it's just a little added joke by nintendo.

What did Bart simpsons mean by 3 just wars?

I believe it is a joke, or, we all know he is not good in school, so probably does not know how many wars there were. Other Wise it's most likely a joke. In the first season episode 'Bart the General' which is about Bart organising resistance to the school bullies, Bart directly addresses the audience at the end and says: "Contrary to what you have just seen, war is neither glamorous or fun. There are no winners, only losers. There are no good wars, with the folloing exceptions: the American Revolution, World War II and the Star Wars Trilogy. If you'd like to learn more about war, there's lots of books in your local library, many of them with cool, gory pictures."

What was the reo speedwagon song that was on the family guy - origin of a dirty joke episode?

Take It On The Run

How much money did Clone wars make?

Star Wars the clone Wars made millions of dollars. I'm talking hundreds of millions. I know this information because i work for george lucas and i am the leading programmer of the team. Wer worked really hard on this project and are glad it pulled off well.

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In the Star Wars Blogs section of Star, there is a blogger who posted his own Star Wars jokes. (These jokes are his own creation.) Here is the link: (the jokes are very funny) Do not listen to this inconsiderate afshole above me. is great for star wars jokes.

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