Changing mats are most often used to change the diaper of an infant. They are useful in situations where it is normally difficult to change a diaper, such as outdoors or during travel.
Chin straps come in handy by securing a helmet to the head. The are used for baseball helmets, football helmets, combat helmets, hockey helmets, and motorcycle helmets.
Mat Kearney's new album, "City of Black & White," will be released on May 19, 2009 in the USA according to Amazon -- they also offer a pre-order option online.
mat devine is 5'8''
Mat Sentul's birth name is Mat Raship bin Yahya.
Answer~=== William Christopher Handy (W.C. Handy)pfff No... i disagree with that...
You dont really need anything, just a comfortable and quiet place to sit (maybe a mat will come in handy). Some people like to use a lit candle.
When changing the brakes a diagram can come in handy. A rear brake diagram can be found in the specific car repair manual.
Handy Andy
It is handy for improving or developing your networking skills.
It comes in handy when i have all my school supplies.
mat 5th 2009
When you want to add or subtract fractions.
A piano would come in handy...
mat 23 2010
Chin straps come in handy by securing a helmet to the head. The are used for baseball helmets, football helmets, combat helmets, hockey helmets, and motorcycle helmets.