A cantus firmus forms the basis of a polyphonic composition. It is set apart using rather long notes. The usage of a cantus firmus was very popular during the midevil times.
The tenor sings the melody.
false, incidental music is considered a form of program music.
Music preformance
Folk Music
The word form means the structure of a piece of music. The base of the music basically.
cantus firmus Tyler?
cantus firmus
Cantus firmus.
a cantus firmus
The tenor sings the melody.
This is called a cantus firmus.
Cantus Firmus
Cantus Firmus
a gregorian chant was used as the base part for the motet and was called the cantus firmus
Polyphonic - the weaving together of many ("poly") sounds. The line - voice - containing the chant is called the cantus firmus. The other voices can be derived from the chant or independently composed.
Martin Bieri has written: 'Ricercare: Verzeichnis cantus-firmus-gebundener Orgelmusik (Buch + CD-ROM)' -- subject(s): OUR Brockhaus selection, Musik