R.S.V.P. stands for a French phrase, "répondez, s'il vous plaît," which means "please reply." The person sending the invitation would like you to tell him or her whether you accept or decline the invitation.
No but you can call them and ask them if they are coming but you should demand an "for sure" RSVP.
"are we there" by Myrtle Street Connection.
Get a life. I meen really I did not know that place was real until I was 6 so stop showing off and shut up.
No, Naruto will never get a Sharingan. The Sharingan is a bloodline limit, or in other words it is genetic. Naruto is not part of the same family as any Sharingan user, and therefore will never receive the Sharingan. There are however, exceptions to the family only rule, such as with Kakashi. A non family member may acquire the Sharingan if taken from the body of a Sharingan user, such as through battle or in the case of Kakashi, as a gift from his dying friend. As of now, there are only 3 current Sharingan users, Sasuke, Madara, and Kakashi, so it seems unlikely Naruto will get a Sharingan. (because once Sasuke is defeated the series will be over, Madara would never handover his Sharingan and Naruto isn't the type of character to take them, and Kakashi is too important of a character to die). Put aside all of this, Naruto doesn't need the Sharingan, he has his own source of power. Giving him the Sharingan on top of his current power is a little unnecessary.
Edward Cullen - Robert pattinson Alice Cullen - Ashley greene jasper Cullen (hale) - Jackson rathbone rosalie Cullen (hale) - Nikki reed Emmett Cullen - kellan lutz carlise Cullen - peter facinelli Esme Cullen - elizabeth reaser James - cam gigandet laurent - edi gathegi Victoria - rachelle lefevre aro - Michael sheen Marcus - christopher heyerdahl caius - jamie Campbell bower Jane - Dakota fanning hope i helped
RSVP is a French phrase Repondez s'il vous plait, meaning ' please reply ' RSVP to.......
RSVP by Close of Business.
RSVP Gallery was created in 2009.
magnitude meen's how bad it was.
RSVP Stands for Respondez Sil Vou Plait (sic)
Please RSVP before xx/xx/2010.
RSVP is an acronym for the French phrase "Répondez s'il vous plaît"
RSVP is used as-is in America, even though it is a French term.
RSVP is already the abbreviation. This means and is french for répondez s'il vous plaît please respond.
RSVP is an abbreviation for the French phrase "Respondez S'il Vous Plait." In English, RSVP stands for "Reply Please!" Typically used in invitations when the hosts want to have a head count. Invitees who plan on coming must RSVP, those who are not planning on coming may RSVP, but a non-reply is assumed to be a "no".
Do You Meen Hot? Do You Meen Hot?
Hermine is pronounced as Her-meen.