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PG means Parental Guidence which means it has some stuff in it that before watching need to ask your parents.

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Q: What does PG mean in movie or cinema talk?
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Can you take your kids to see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie at the cinema?

The movie is rated PG-13. The movie is produced by Michael Bay who did the Transformers movies.

How old to watch a pg on your own at the cinema?

PG means parental guidance and it is 8 years old.

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Presuming you mean Skyfall the 2012 James Bond movie, it's not rated PG, it's PG13.

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There is no such thing a PG-9, there is G, PG, Pg-13, and R. So therefore there is no such thing as PG-9. There is no such thing a PG-9, there is G, PG, Pg-13, and R. So therefore there is no such thing as PG-9.

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Yes as long as they have a parent with them. Most movie theaters I'm assuming wont stop or not allow a child to see a Mature or R Rated movie.

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The movie Apollo 13 is rated PG.

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I saw the movie at the cinema when i was 12 and its not that bad but it does have some non stop sex jokes. It got a PG-13 in usa and a 12A in the uk.

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The movie "The Last Song" is rated PG.

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No it's PG-13 I thought it was pg to