Everybody says something different, for me it tastes somewhat like sweet tea. However I've heard people say all sorts of things... Like leather, raisins, coffee, etc.
you pronounce Levi like lee-vi or le-vee
Shaike Levi's birth name is Yeshaayahu Levi.
Garrett DiBona's birth name is Garrett DiBona.
Garrett Shatzer's birth name is Garrett Ian Shatzer.
Levi Thomson died in 1938.
There are nearly 60 trademarks including the name Levi in the US alone, ranging from Levi Garrett chewing tobacco to Levi Morgan archery equipment. Only about half of the marks are registered to Levi Strauss.
I had a taste of Reggae Reggae sauce tonight, to me it tastes like Branston Sauce (not pickle), with added spices.
If you are asking about the jeans made by Levi Strauss & Co., you spell it like this: Levi's. To take a look at the Levi's logo, see the Related Link.
I am a diabetic and have been having trouble with my blood sugar and this is the only thing that I do not follow my diet on. I always have a chew in.
Levi love boys he tried to hump me last weekend.
HELLLLLLLLLLLLLL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes she does yes she does
As of right now there is several pointing to Levi and Gajeel getting shipped as a couple.
No, they do not taste like chicken. They most likey taste like blood vessels.
Like Garrett when he wakes up
Yams taste like whatever your taste buds say it tastes like.