I heard It Mean c'mon
Ora most commonly means "face" or "countenance," but it can also mean "border, edge, line" or "a ship's cable."
Ora del te means "Tea time."
Vigila Et Ora is latin for Watch And Pray
The sea or ocean
The word kai means wharf, but Kai is a masculine name.
It Mean Be Healthy
Kai means "and". for example: eyo Kai esi means me and you
it means that you are always happy and you have a bright personality (: my ora is yellow as well (: hope i answered your question (:
Kai is a Basque word that means pier of the harbor. The word kai is often used to mean strong or unbreakable in Burmese. It means triumphant in Chinese.
In Maori, you can say "kia ora aroha" to mean "hello love."
Kia ora means best wishes and is used as a informal greeting. In this instance 'ra' would mean 'there' (to someone away from the speaker), so Kia ora ra would mean "best wishes (to you) over there".