

Best Answer

She uses photoshop

^^^ I hate it when people like this give answers that are clearly untrue. Firstly Julian Opie is a MAN! secondly he does not use photoshop, he uses a mix of different programs including a 3D program.

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Q: What does Julian Opie use to do her art?
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Who influenced Julian Opie to paint?

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When did Julian opie join pop art?

i think its 1980

How many pieces of art has Julian opie done?


What are Julian Opie's hobbies?

drawing, Making artwork and designing art.

What paints did Julian Opie use?

Julian Opie uses a wide range of colours. He enters his own world when he makes his art work. For example... cool, cold, vibrant, warm, bubbly, shiny etc.. He mainly uses light colours to make it stand out. The good thing about Julian Opie's art work is that he has a mind of his own. I hope I have helped you. If not go onto his website where all the information is needed! Louise

What is the name of Julian opie's wife?

Julian Opie's wife is the British artist Aniela Opie.

What were the names of Julian Opie's parents?

Julian Opie's dad is named Roger Opie and his mum is named Norma Opie.

Who were Julian Opie's parents?

julian Opies dad is named Roger Opie and his mum is named Norma Opie

What month in what year was Julian Opie born?

Julian Opie was born in 2012

What was Julian Opie's wife called?

Julian Opie's wife is named Annette.

What were Julian opie famous for?

Julian Opie an artist who takes pictures of people and then turns them into art that sort of looks like a cartoon portrait. He is a contemporary artist and he uses computerised imagery to create his artworks. Julian Opie is a British artist famous for his work on the BlurGreatest Hits album cover.

How many books has Julian Opie written or featured in?

Julian Opie is primarily known as an artist rather than an author. He may have contributed to exhibition catalogs or art-related publications, but he is not known for writing books.