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She will not lie.

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Q: What does John tell the court about his wife?
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he wanted her to tell Danforth the truth, that the girls (Abigail and the other girls) were just faking this whole hysteria.

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John Harrington's wife was Emily Hatten.

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What can ido about your common law wife filed for divorce and she had a po on you but on the day you were to go to court you were togdther and she told you in front of wittiness she was droping everyt?

You can take the witness to court and have the witness tell the judge. However, you need to speak with your divorce attorney about your common law wife and explain what happened.

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I am not a lawyer but, if your wife has been ordered by the court to pay up, she has to pay up. If she fails to pay, start by contacting the clerk of courts and tell them the situation. It won't cost you any money assuming she truly has a judgment against her.