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Jack declares that the pig's head will be a sacrifice to the Beast, so he impales it on a stick (sharpened at both ends). The head later becomes the Lord of the Flies.

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Q: What does Jack do AFTER he kills the pig?
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How is sadist used in the Lord of the Flies?

Sadism is used when Jack kills the pig and rapes it with his spear.

Who kills a pig?

Jack and his hunters kill at least three pigs during the course of the novel.

Why is Jack unable to kill the pig?

Jack is unable to kill the pig, due to his fear of the squealing and blood that the pig would produce. Jack's inability to kill the pig is a symbolic example of the still existent human moral within the boys. Jack being unable to kill the pig shows he is hesitant to kill others, because he believes it is wrong.

What does jack find and what unusual simile is used when he finds them chapter 7 lord of the flies?

In chapter 7 of "Lord of the Flies," Jack finds a pig and kills it. The unusual simile used to describe this moment is that Jack's laugh is "the glee of the hunter who knows he's successfully stalked and killed his prey."

Why were Jack and his hunters willing to kill the pig?

because the pig was stupid

In chapter 3 of Lord of the Flies Jack says he could kill a pig if they could make what?

Jack claims he only needed barbs on the spear head to kill the pig. Jack is consumed with killing a pig, but is unable to do so.

What happens when jack comes upon the piglet in the creepers?

jack uses his instincts and sees the fresh dropping from the pig.

Why does jack get so much pleasure from killing the pig?

Jack gets so much pleasure from killing the pig because the he gets to eat it.

What does Jack return with in chapter 4 in Lord of the Flies by William Golding?

A Pig that he killed and that is when Ralph gets mad because Jack put out the fire to kill the pig and that is when the ship came but there were no saved because of Jack killing a pig. (Why is Jack SOOO Supid?)A slaughtered pig

Who kills Jack Nicholson in The Departed?

Matt Damon

How does jack know there is a pig in the creepers ahead of him lord of the flies?

He sees the fresh droppings from a pig, therefore there is a pig ahead in the creepers.

In lord of the flies how does jack know there is a pig in the creepers ahead of him?

He sees the fresh droppings from a pig, therefore there is a pig ahead in the creepers.