- Boys
- Tall
- Wizards
- Born in the same year
- In Gryffindor
- Go to school at Hogwarts
- Live in the UK
- Shop in Diagon Alley
- Use Wands
- Have at least 1 R in name
- Have 1 Y in their names
- Have a middle name
- Have only 1 middle name each
- Are friends with Hermione Granger
- Know the Weasley family well
- Have fathers that went to Hogwarts
- Both fathers were in Gryffindor
- Have mothers that went to Hogwarts
- Both mothers were in Gryffindor
- Have facial markings
- Did not complete 7th year
- Wore the cursed necklace
- Play Quidditch
- Had special authority at Hogwarts
- Work for the Ministry of Magic
- Are Aurors
- Married
- Married to women who they knew during school
- Own(ed) a pet
- Own(ed) an owl
- Have living relatives
- Had children
There are probably a lot more. These are just a few.
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Both of them were born in the last week of July 1980
Both of their parents were members of the original Order of the Phoenix
Both of them were mentioned in Sybill Trelawney's prophecy of "The Chosen One"
Neither of them were raised by their parents
They were born and lived in England
Both of them started attending Hogwarts School of Withcraft and Wizardry in 1991
Both of them were Sorted into Gryffindor House
Both of them were very courageous
Both of them have had the Full Body-Bind Curse on them by a friend (Neville in 1992; Harry in 1997)
Both of them were bullied by Draco Malfoy.
Both of them shared a dormitory with Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and Ronald Weasley.
Both of them were leaders of Dumbledore's Army (Harry in 1995-96; Neville in 1997-98)
Both of them have the ability to see Thestrals
Both of them participated in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries in June 18, 1996)
Both of them have dated Ginevra Weasley (Neville in 1994; Harry in 1997)
Both of them had partners for the Yule Ball on December 24, 1994
Both of them participated in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower on June 30, 1997
Both of them participated in the Battle of Hogwarts on May 2, 1998 and survived without lasting injury.
Both of them have destroyed one of Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes (Harry destroyed Tom Riddle's Diary; Neville destroyed Nagini)
Both of them have entered the Room of Requirement and used it for two purposes (Harry for Dumbledore's Army in 1995-96 and hiding his copy of Advanced Potion-Making in 1997; Neville for Dumbledore's Army in 1995-96 and hiding from the Carrows in 1997-98)
Both of them got passing marks in their Herbology O.W.L.'s (Neville got O; Harry got E)
Both of them have lost a family relative to Bellatrix Lestrange (Neville lost Frank and Augusta Longbottom; Harry lost Sirius Black III)
Both of them became an Auror (though Neville retired and became a Herbology professor at Hogwarts)
When Voldemort tried to kill Harry he accidentally put part of his soul in Harry. So they are both Parselmouths (can speak to snakes) and the Sorting Hat considered putting Harry into Slytherin where Voldemort had been. Also Harry sometimes sees flashes of what Voldemort is seeing as Voldemort himself, and once as Niagini (Voldemort's snake).
The similarities are explained in the books by Dumbledore to Harry fairly often especially in the Half Blood Prince so as Harry knows what he is up against. However here are just some that I can remember so this list isn't exclusive.
1. They are both half-bloods.
Harry's mother is from a muggle family whilst his father is from a wizarding family. Voldemort's mother is from a wizarding family and his father is a muggle.
2. Both were orphans, Voldemort from birth and Harry aged 1 because of Voldemort.
3. Both were loners in their own way. Voldemort as he had others fear him and Harry as he basically had no social life as we know it.
4. Both felt that Hogwarts was their true home.
Harry hated the Dursley's house probably as much as Voldemort hated the orphanage. Both felt happy at Hogwarts and didn't like the end of each year when they had to go back.
5. They could both speak parceltongue. However Harry could only speak it due to the fact of the Horcrux residing in him, as we found out in the Deathly Hallows.
As I said, this list isn't exclusive and it goes into this better in the books.
James Potter disagreed with Lord Voldemort's view on the wizarding world and his attempts to take it over. To Lord Voldemort, James Potter was just in his way of killing Harry Potter.
Lord Voldemort. Because of the terror he spread in the past, most wizards and witches - with the notable exception of Albus Dumbledore, and Harry Potter - are afraid to pronounce his name.
No. Harry Potter was hit by the killing curse in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows however, it only kills the part of Lord Voldemort's soul that was in Harry.
b/c harry's scar was a horcrux, meaning it conained a piece of voldemort's soul
Ralph Fiennes.
James Potter disagreed with Lord Voldemort's view on the wizarding world and his attempts to take it over. To Lord Voldemort, James Potter was just in his way of killing Harry Potter.
The infant mentioned in the Kings Cross chapter of Deathly Hallows is the fragment of Voldemort's soul that resides within Harry Potter. It takes the form of a crying, helpless baby, symbolizing the vulnerability and innocence that Voldemort has long since abandoned.
Yes, he does kill Lord Voldemort in the end of Deathly Hallows.
dumbledoor did, yes
Lord Voldemort
Harry potter kills Voldemort ( aka "you know who" or the dark lord or He Who Must Not Be Named
No. Lord Voldemort was incapable of love.No.
Harry Potter's arch enemy is Lord Voldemort. Voldemort's real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Lord Voldemort.
Lord Voldemort
No, Only Voldemort dies.
Voldemort in like Harry Potter? in harry potter, Harry does.