Jarah Mariano's birth name is Jarah-Evelyn Makalapua Mariano.
Franklin Morales was born on 1986-01-24.
The blonde guy is Misha Gabriel. The blonde girl is Tyne Stecklein.
No, Natalie Morales does not have a baby with Matt Lauer.
Beejay Morales's birth name is Joey Louie Vierneza.
Juan Gabriel Morales's birth name is Juan Gabriel Morales Badu.
Juan Gabriel Morales is 6' 1".
Héctor Gabriel Morales was born on 1989-11-30.
Gabriel Morales is a dancer ,singer,comedian,actor he is very famous on youtube well he is to me.
Gabriel Morales is 22 years old (birthdate June 22, 1995).
Gabriel A. Castro Morales has written: 'Libro de alquimia y soledad'
he is 5'10
Juan Gabriel Morales was born on February 4, 1986, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Hes single!!
its maria adriana Lopez
Gabriel Morales, google him he also sings. His first single is called Let It Go and its really good!! :-D