Emerson says in the essay that "good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this ". that means that he doesn't really think anything is good or bad there just called those things
i think batman is good coz .. in the "dark knight rises" he want to save the city
He is a misuintreprated Person. Many think he is a bad man. But really he is good man plus and actor. This my personal view
yes is what i think because it has fashionable clothings and pretty ones. some people think it has bad quality and do not shop from there.
i think this means to be amateur or beginner ...Mediocre. No, it means to be of average quality. Neither good, nor bad.
In general, parody existing is a good thing, though there are subjectively good and bad parodies.
The values taught by Islam to the Muslims are very good & benevolent.
◘sexist; good; bad
values determines "what is wrong and what is good" ethics determines "doing what is good and what is bad"
It is Ethics.
This is a matter of opinion. Many people do not think Disney is bad, as it is wholesome and not full of negative values. Others might think it is bad because they think they are too sophisticated for it.
bad Its is an opinion but personally I think good.
I think a curse is bad.
I think bad.
The human values are many. Like good things some are bad things.And if you do values in a long time you are making a THEORY.