AI AI Captain!
They have horizontalized their perpendicular.
In his stand-up he talks about - and imitates - his brother Rodney, who is "mentally challenged", and it is very, very funny!
One life stand is another way of saying one-night stand. A one-night stand is when somebody uses another person for one night purely for sex. Great way to catch sexually transmitted diseases.
the movie is called funny -funny ha ha
EQAO stands for Education Quality Accountability Office
Eqao is 3pages long
just a funny way to say stop
EQAO stands for Education Quality Accountability Office
That is the same thing as lol or lols just a "funny" way.
no its not
you take eqao in grades 3,6,9,10 actually grade 10 is literacy test
yes. Every parent has the right to insist their child not write the eqao.
if you got an EQAO test please write on internet how do you do EQAO test! THERE YA GO
Eqao is a waste of time, and when students get their test results back it doesn't show what they did wrong. Teachers have to rush their teaching to fit the schedule of EQAO too. In my opinion EQAO should be banned.
It depends on the school that you go to. For instance my school takes EQAO for 5% of our final grade. But it depends on what your school goes with.
The full form of EQAO stands for Education Quality and Accountability Office. EQAO is an independent agency in Ontario, Canada, that conducts province-wide tests to assess student achievement in literacy and numeracy.