In Huttese it means To sell one/gun. (Wanga has a double meaning)
the words are in french and translated they mean "i want your love i want your revenge i want your love"
First I think you mean "Sasuke" and no he did not die in shippuden.
to die
Andy would have to because he didn't want prue to die. it was between him or her, and he didn't want that to happen
It means that your so tired of this awful cruel world so all you want to do is just slowly die to feel something. Not just feel numb all the time.
Federico Wanga died in 1218.
Kach Diyan Wanga was created in 2011.
it means loose like titty wangas are saggy titties
222-78099 = -77877
Jean Dénis Wanga was born on 1975-04-12.
Wanga is from the bantu languages spanning from central to southern African. And means "MINE"
In Tsonga, you can say "rhandza-khensi wanga" to mean "my sweetheart".
The Wanga people are an ethnic group from Ghana, primarily located in the Upper West region. They are known for their agriculture-based livelihoods, with farming being a central activity in their culture. The Wanga people have a rich tradition of storytelling, music, and dance.
mukololo wanga
Make and sanction the doll yourself.
It seems a bit illiterate. 'panocha' = 'ear of grain' or 'bunch of anchovies', and is also feminine, while 'gordo' is masculine'. So possibly 'pancho' (belly) is intended. Then we have: 'Your belly is very fat and....' again, 'wanga' has no meaning. Could it be an attempt at a Spanish version of 'waggles' or 'wobbles'?