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It indicates that the finding of the testing was "significant" (i.e. - not due to chance, faking, mistake, or other anamoly). If something is "clinically significant", it indicates that the result is something that impacts the person and/or their behavior clinically. It usually means that the trait is something to be focused on in therapy, but I can't say without seeing or knowing what the actual testing said.

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Q: What does Clinically significant mean in a psych report?
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How are basc 2 scored?

The BASC-2 provides T-scores with a mean of 50, with a standard deviation of 10.For the clinical scales, high scores mean more problems:T-score of 70+ indicates clinically significant problems; 60-69 means "at risk" of developing clinically significant problems; 41-59 indicates average responses that are indicative of normal behaviour; 31-40 indicates a low level of maladaptive behaviour/problems; < or = to 30 means very low levels of maladaptive behaviour/problems.For the adaptive scales, low scores mean more problems:T-score of 30 and below indicates clinically significant problems/maladaptive behaviour; 31-40 means "at risk" of developing clinically significant problems/maladaptive behaviour; 41-59 indicates average responses that are indicative of normal adaptive behaviour; 60-69 indicates a high level of adaptive behaviour; < or = to 30 means very high levels of adaptive behaviour.

How are BASC-3 scores classified?

The BASC-2 provides T-scores with a mean of 50, with a standard deviation of 10.For the clinical scales, high scores mean more problems:T-score of 70+ indicates clinically significant problems; 60-69 means "at risk" of developing clinically significant problems; 41-59 indicates average responses that are indicative of normal behaviour; 31-40 indicates a low level of maladaptive behaviour/problems; < or = to 30 means very low levels of maladaptive behaviour/problems.For the adaptive scales, low scores mean more problems:T-score of 30 and below indicates clinically significant problems/maladaptive behaviour; 31-40 means "at risk" of developing clinically significant problems/maladaptive behaviour; 41-59 indicates average responses that are indicative of normal adaptive behaviour; 60-69 indicates a high level of adaptive behaviour; < or = to 30 means very high levels of adaptive behaviour.

How are BASC-2 scores classified?

The BASC-2 provides T-scores with a mean of 50, with a standard deviation of 10.For the clinical scales, high scores mean more problems:T-score of 70+ indicates clinically significant problems; 60-69 means "at risk" of developing clinically significant problems; 41-59 indicates average responses that are indicative of normal behaviour; 31-40 indicates a low level of maladaptive behaviour/problems; < or = to 30 means very low levels of maladaptive behaviour/problems.For the adaptive scales, low scores mean more problems:T-score of 30 and below indicates clinically significant problems/maladaptive behaviour; 31-40 means "at risk" of developing clinically significant problems/maladaptive behaviour; 41-59 indicates average responses that are indicative of normal adaptive behaviour; 60-69 indicates a high level of adaptive behaviour; < or = to 30 means very high levels of adaptive behaviour.

What does psych you out mean?

When someone psychs you out they trick you or fool you.

What does the root psyche mean?

psych means mind and soul.

What does correlate clinically mean?

Correlate clinically means that something is closely related to a clinical setting. Correlate means a measure of association between two variables or in relation to.

What are the two words in psychology?

If you mean the word parts of psychology, then they are psych and ology, psych meaning the mind, and ology meaning the study of something, so psychology all together would mean the study of the mind.

What does root word psych mean?

The root word psych- means mind. An example is psychology, which is the study of the mind.

How do you spell psych as in not?

The verb "to psych" can mean to mentally prepare, to excite, or to intimidate psychologically.The use of the word "psych" as an slang interjection means "just kidding" or "fooled you", from the third meaning, in that someone was believing what you were saying previously. You have "psyched them out", the original slang terminology.