Hey Edwina! My life is a mess!
I've got such a problem and I'm under such stress!
My gram said set the table and it's really not fair
For my gosh all these utensils go who knows where!
Can you help me out? I'm really in a quandary
At least I'm glad that grandma didn't make me do the laundry!
Total true love, Carrie
They say JR because jr stands for "just rapping" so you must have heard it in a rap song.
Nick Jr. was created in 1999.
David Ranken Jr. died in 1910.
The abbreviation for "Junior" is "Jr."
Harry Connick Jr., musician, singerRobert Downey Jr., actorDale Earnhardt Jr., race car driverKen Griffy Jr., professional baseball playerCuba Gooding Jr., actorAl Gore Jr., former US VPJohn F. Kennedy Jr. son of former presidentMartin Luther King Jr. American civil rights activistRay Parker Jr., singer
There are a variety of children's musicals. From the top of my head, there is: - Willy Wonka Jr. - Oliver Jr. - Les Miserables School Edition - Dig It the Musical - Dear Edwina These are all I can think of for now :)
Usually you can find certain scripts at your local library, so search their website first. Then if they don't have it, try amazon or eBay. Another place is to go to a brodway jr. site (google) and purchase one.
Date Mr. Harold Happy, Jr. street address city, st zip Dear Harold, OR Date Mr. Harold Happy, Jr. street address city, st zip Dear Mr. Happy, - - -
They say JR because jr stands for "just rapping" so you must have heard it in a rap song.
I think he is Darren Legallo, Amy Adams' fiance. Actually, his name is Lawrence Sikorski. I know him. It is my son on the Ever Ever After video with Carrie Underwood. His name is Lawrence Sikorski, Jr.
Faith Hill sings Sunday Night Football Hank Williams Jr. sings Monday Night Football
No, Jr. High kids should not be allowed to say bad words.
JR is not a word. If you're asking how to say the letters J and R in Hebrew, it would be exactly the same as in English.
"Place in this World" by Taylor Swift. In my opinion (: I would have to say "Cowboy Casonova" by Carrie Underwood --Jonas Luver Krisy Yall are both wrong. The best country song is ''A Country Boy Can Survive" by Hank Jr. It doesn't get much better then that
Martin Luther King Jr.
he was great