60 Tv® is a registered trademark used for Jewelry Made of Gold and/or Other Precious Metals, With or Without Precious Stones and owned by Tecnigold S.P.a..
it is an Italian based company
Good Morning Television
It doesn't stand for anything. It's called friends cause it's a TV show about six friends living in NYC.
the projects
Black Entertainment Television
No, as far as what it seems your 60 inch television stand does not have to be anchored to the wall. For more information go here. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Stands-Mounts-Furniture/TV-Stands/abcat0106001.c?id=abcat0106001
You can read a review for the Tech Craft ABS60 Veneto Series Black Distressed 60 TV Stand Credenza at http://shopping.aol.com/abs60-black-distressed-credenza-wood-tv-stand/29992950.
A 185cm stand because it is more stable and can provide good height in case you can't see. If you buy something like 125cm stand then the TV won't fit and will fall off the stand and cause trouble.
You can order a customized TV stand online or from a local creator in newspaper listings. This website has a reputable company to order your TV stand: http://www.artfactory.com/index.php
Songs: Stand by me, three steps to heaven, shout, then he kissed me, deck of cards
Depending on your shopping preference- online/in-store/catalog, TV stands are available from countless places. Some stores will allow you to order online and have products delivered to your house or for in-store pickup.
The meaning of "Linear" is designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree. Typically linear as in a straight line, y = mx + c 60 linear inches is 60 inches. I can think of a non-linear 60 inches, for example, when you measure the circumference of a circle, the circumference could measure 60 inches, but it is going around in a circle. r^2 = x^2 + y^2
A wide screen TV stand is longer than a regular TV stand. A wide screen TV stand is also weighted differently than a regular TV stand. This will help it balance the larger television set.
go to Early Poptropica and go to Soda Pop Shop or the Arcade and costumizeReality TV Island: some of the reality shows have Mr. Hippie he has a necklace...
June Cleaver
There is little gold in old tvs but i think u can find the gold in the sound part.
To install a TV stand properly in your living room, follow these steps: Choose a suitable location for the TV stand that is stable and level. Assemble the TV stand according to the manufacturer's instructions. Use a stud finder to locate wall studs for added support if the stand needs to be anchored to the wall. Secure the TV stand to the wall or floor if necessary. Place the TV on the stand and ensure it is securely in place. Connect any necessary cables and cords. Adjust the TV stand and TV to the desired position.