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Merry Christmas is an English equivalent of 'Feliz Navidad'. The phrase in Spanish is pronounced 'feh-lees nah-vee-thah'. The adjective 'feliz' means 'happy, merry'. The feminine noun 'Navidad' means 'Nativity'.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Felice Navidad is Spanish and translated into English means: Merry Christmas. To translate any language you can use Google translate, Google translate has many different languages to choose from and enables you to translate languages.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Tenga Una Feliz Navidad means "Have a merry christmas". or, "Have a happy christmas."

Tenga una Feliz Navidad means to have a merry Christmas or, to have a very happy Christmas

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Translation: Happy Christmas to everybody/all.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

It's Spanish for "Merry Christmas."

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Felice Navidad is Spanish and translated into English means: Merry Christmas. To translate any language you can use Google translate, Google translate has many different languages to choose from and enables you to translate languages.

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Directly translated, regalos de navidad means "Christmas Gifts". Navidad means Christmas, and regalos means gifts. If you ever want to remember Navidad - think of the song "Feliz Navidad" and that should help!

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La navidad comes from the Spanish, and in English translates to 'Christmas' or 'Christmastime'. English speakers are familiarized with the term through the popular holiday song "Feliz Navidad'.

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What is the Italian word for the English word happy?

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What is el arbol de Navidad in English?

el arbol de Navidad in English is translated the tree of Christmas, or the Christmas tree