It depends who you ask.Different people will say different things.
Some people like to watch the parades. Others like the news or Soap Operas. Some like sports. Everybody watches different things on holidays.
Chauffeur in tuesday morning tv add
It is on the Soap Network at 6:00 each morning
you can watch it on youtube but you might have to watch it in parts
Christians do watch TV. Some may choose not to.
What do you mean "continue to watch". It's entertaining, they watch out of boredom.
The handicapped watched the thanksgiving parade on the TV
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
They probably ate together more than we do today, now we just go watch TV and eat!
This morning, I watched TV before I drove here. I watched television this morning before I drove here.
sentence fragment
Yes, there are many different websites that will allow you to watch movies and/or television shows online.
You can watch American Dragon on Disney Channel. It does not come on during the daytime but they come on like at 3:00 in the morning. If you don't watch it on tv, you can watch it on the internet.
BreakFast, Read, Watch TV, Sleep
Most people, in America at least, get together with their extended family and have a big feast (of turkey, potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc). They watch the New York City Macy's parade on TV or go to a local parade. Another common activity is football. A lot of guys will get together for flag football on Thanksgiving morning, and even more will watch professional football on TV in the afternoon. People generally take the time to go around and say what they are thankful for, and some people start to decorate for Christmas.
watch tv or play a videogame. you can do that but... i recommend you do energetic things to keep you up and energized.
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