You don't need a liscense to become a stripper. In most places strippers work "under the table" or "off the books" meaning that they get paid cash that is untaxed.
Maricopa County doesn't require a license, however the City of Phoenix does through the City of Phoenix clerk's office.
It depends on the club; some have fully nude girls & others may have topless strippers.
In my opinion, you need not, not all the merchant have the license but they could do.
Erith, Greater London
nope :)
There is no such thing as a "state-issued" strippers license. Regulation of these type of businesses is handled by the local jurisdictions (municipality or county). You will have to be more specific about WHERE it is you are interested in working and then check with the licensing authority of that particular municipality.
You can get a phlebotomist license by applying online. To qualify and apply for a phlebotomist license you need some application requirements. More information can be found at:
Yes they need to qualify and some areas need a certificate to practice
Check to see if you qualify for a hardship license
Have a Sprint car, and qualify for a license with that league.
Local Police StationAnswer #2 - Grab her purse when she is not looking.
Maricopa County doesn't require a license, however the City of Phoenix does through the City of Phoenix clerk's office.
You need to have English teaching skills in order to qualify for this job. You need to go to local school companies to generally apply for the job. Also, you must go to college to achieve the license in your major to get credited and to assure that you will get this job.
Yes, they need to declare their income as tips on their 1040-A
Yes you do but there are some exemptions for classic cars. If you qualify for a special classic plate then you can only run 1 plate.
To qualify for a job as a security officer, one must first go for a training, at the end you will sit for an exam. If you pass it, you will then be issued with a license. You will also need to have a criminal background check carried out on you.