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When your friends call you gay: If you a girl say I must not be 2 gay I had yo man last night. And boys say: I must not be gay yo girl was sucking my dick last night.

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Q: What do you do when your friends friend calls you gay?
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When his girl friend calls be polite but not to informative.

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he is being nice Well, my best friend calls me sweetheart and he is gay.

Is it gay for the straight guy if he has gay guy friends?

Absolutely not, a friend who gay, lesbian, or bi-sexual is doing what any friend should do and that is being supportive.

How can you till if you friend is gay?

Gay men are primarily sexually attracted to other men, rather than women. I hope you will still be friends if your friend turns out to be gay!

What happen if i becomes friend with an gay would he like me?

If you become friends with a gay guy, you have made another friend. Whether your gay friend would like you depends on how he feels about you. You may or may not be his type.

Is Miley Cyrus gay?

um no she is not she was joking am a best friend of miley and her friends

Is it okay to fancy a guy who is gay?

like as a friend? it is ok to have a gay as a best friend. they make really good friends for girls. one of my best friends is gay. and before he was gay.... we hardly ever talked and i wouldn't of considered him my best friend. now that he told me he is gay though, we are extremely close. or do you mean likelike a gay guy? if you mean it like that... probably not. i really liked my friend before he was gay.. and every once in a while i wish he wasnt gay because we might of had a chance of dating. but i am really glad he is gay. hope i helped. =]

What should you do when your best friend's best friend calls you a fat hoar?

find new, real, friends. yikes! uh, ask your friend about it and tell her. if she just tells her best friend, you shouldn't remain friends with her!

Why do so many girls have guy friends that either pretend to be gay or are gay?

because gay friends are original. They don't compete with you. And when they are your friends, they are truly your friends.ResponseHonestly, because gay guy friends are usually just as effeminite as girls (the think the effeminity in gay men has something to do with hormones, and the reason they're gay), but they get to have a friend that's a guy, with no sexual tension

How do you go to your gay friend?

Walk, take a bus, drive... same as your straight friends.

Is it gay for a guy to sleep at his friends house?

No unless he is sleeping in the same bed as his friend.

What do you do when a friend calls you Mom?

say, i am and will always be one of your best friends. i only have one mother.