If you're listening with headphones, you'll know it's too loud when you can't hear a single thing besides the music: you can't hear cars honking, people yelling, etc.
If you're not listening with headphones, you'll know it's too loud when other people start complaining.
dynamics is how loud or quiet a piece of music is
Hear Music was created in 1990.
The tiny hairs inside your cochlea get damaged and you can't hear as well. i listen to loud music all the time and im beginning to get this annoying buzzing sound in my ear. its the most frustration thing ive ever been through, so believe me, if you listen to loud music all the time, you will regret it. PLEASE dont make the same mistake i did.
* Why do people jump when they hear loud voices? It is because they are frightened
yes. it's very loud.
when you hear loud music it can bust your eardrum
Call the police
Yes. They hear 7 times better than us. Loud Music will hurt your dog physically. If you must play Loud Music, be cruel to be kind and leave the dog in another room or safely outside the home. He will hear the music as well from the next room as you will stood in front of the speaker.
If the piano is loud enough, they can feel the vibrations in the music. If the piano is loud enough, they can feel the vibrations in the music.
Use a Motorcycle Radar Screamer and you will hear it over anything.
So they can hear theirselves over the loud music at the tours and concerts
the ear follicles will break of and then you may not be able to ever hear that loud music again because there is a type of sound lepit people can hear. that's why people work wear ear muffs so they don't hurt there ears.
Ants don't respond to sound in the air like humans do. They hear with their knees and can feel vibrations produced by sounds. It is unlikely that ants would react to loud music.
The band's music was so loud that I could barely hear myself think.
I heard the music, sweet and clear, right in my ear.
An organ. It plays loud music the whole church can hear.
for the music to be loud...