The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for Pine-Sol says:
INGESTION - Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glassful of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
And that's pretty good generic advice.In general, the first thing you should do if you eat or drink something you shouldn't is to call the poison control center. If you don't already know exactly what to do, calling PCC as your first line of defense will almost never be wrong.
Diane Amos
Diane Amos
Why did my pinesol turn sugared or crystal looking on the bottom. Still smells the same.
Sol Harris's birth name is Sol Raul Harris.
Sol Winer is 6'.
Call 911 if you can!
pine sol baby
if they drink it then take them to the hospital but if you smell it a lot then there is no problem.
Pine-Sol originally contained pine oil, though it is now a mixture of everything but.
Yes, Pine-Sol contains bleach as one of its ingredients.
Exposure to Pine Sol could indeed kill horses. This is if the horse actually drinks the poisonous Pine Sol solution.
No, Pine-Sol does not contain ammonia. It is a cleaning product that typically contains pine oil and other cleaning agents.
The pine sol commercial where the host is meditating. That's the power of Pine Sol baby!
Pine-Sol was invented in 1929 by Harry A. Cole in Mississippi.
Pine sol . . . use pine sol to get the gum out then shampoo the Christmas tree smell out.
THat is not ture - Pine-Sol DOES repel if not kill bugs like fleas, etc.
It is always bad to smell pine sol, whether you're pregnant or not.