

Best Answer

One word you could use is 'kiosk'.

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Q: What do you call the place where you get popcorn at the movies?
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Related questions

Is popcorn great?

yes popcorn is really great!!!popcorn is great for the movies!!!popcorn is sweet and salty!!!

How was the popcorn at the movies?

It taste GOOD or GREAT.

What do you call a person who sells popcorn at the circus?

THe popcorn guy

What was the price of popcorn at the movies in 1988?

5 cents

What is the complete subject of this sentence Popcorn and soda are a must at the movies?

This sentence has two subjects - Popcorn & soda.

What can you do on your date?

What me and my boyfriend do is we usually watch new movies and eat popcorn.

How would you propose to your girl?

take her to the movies and hide the ring in the popcorn

Something that people like to nibble on at the movies?


Why is popcorn popular?

if you ask me its because of the taste. and since a lot of people watch movies and stuff, they decide to eat yummy popcorn!

Can you place cold flavorings on popcorn?

yes you can i loove icing sugar on my popcorn yes you can i love icing sugar on my popcorn

What do you call popcorn with toffee and nuts?


What to buy at the movies?

Popcorn and soda are traditional. Candy and pretzels are growing in popularity.