Call Me is a 1988 erotic thriller film.
Yes, there have been other movies like Taboo 1. There were a total of 23 movies in the Taboo series. These movies were released from 1980 to 2007.
The duration of Call the Midwife - TV series - is 3600.0 seconds.
movie pirates
There are three movies out for the Ranma 1/2 series. Lots of people say four something about OVA but the thing is one of the three movies is an OVA in a lot of little episodes so look out for that and enjoy. :P
Heath Ledgerplays a role ineighteen movies and approximately 5 tv series.
There are only 4 books in the series, but they are making two parts to the last movie so there will be 5 movies in all.
Kings of Leon - On Call
Home Movies - TV series - was created in 2001.
There's no confirmed answer for this yet. But, Logan Lerman did say that he signed for three movies. So, we can at least expect 3 movies if not 5.
The duration of Home Movies - TV series - is 1320.0 seconds.
The duration of At the Movies - Australian TV series - is 1560.0 seconds.
There are 5 books, not including the Demigod Files. I'm hoping for there to be a follow up series, but the movies are probably the 1st priority of the Percy Jackson series.
There has been 5 Highlander movies. There does not appear to be a box set of the movies together available online. The series is available as a box set.