A Percussionist.
"Tambourinist" is also a valid term for someone who specialises in the tambourine.
A person who exchanges information online with others he or she plays video games with~Apex
some people who are famous that play the xylophone is the famous mexician allie m. acala
You call a person stubborn.
You would call a person who praises himself a lot a narcissist.
the person that plays DW is Robert Naylor
They would be called percussionist.
A xylophonist is someone who plays the xylophone.
A "harmonicanist" is what a person who plays the harmonica is called.
A person who plays Scrabble is called a Scrabbler. (unofficially)
A drummer or percussionist plays the drums.
a cymbalist
a baritonist
A saxophonist.