If you're talking about someone who sleeps around a lot then:
For guys - Players
For girls - Skanks or sluts
For general dating, I'm not sure there's any particular name for it - maybe they're people who just lose interest quickly, so they keep changing partners.
You would call a person who praises himself a lot a narcissist.
A person who watches movies might be referred to as a viewer. Also I have heard people call them a movie buff, which means they know a lot of stuff about movies.
Film buff ,cinimafile.
Without wishing to sound flippant, a lot of people died in 1989. Can you be specific about what sort of person you mean?
A person who exchanges information online with others he or she plays video games with~Apex
You would call a person who praises himself a lot a narcissist.
A person who kills a lot of people is typically referred to as a mass murderer or a serial killer. These terms are used to describe individuals who have committed multiple murders.
If people prank call you a lot, you can dial *69 to get the number of the last person who called you. You can then report this number to your phone company and ask that it be blocked. If you are being harrased, you can contact the police.
umm by phone or if the question is meant to be (waht do you call a person with a lot of money) that answer is rich
A person who speaks a lot is often referred to as talkative or loquacious.
People who frequently sue others are sometimes referred to as "litigious individuals" or "serial litigators."
A klutz
A narcoleptic person; a person with narcolepsy.
A person who uses a lot of words can be referred to as verbose or loquacious.
A person who buys a lot of things is often described as a shopaholic.