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We learn that Peeta has a big crush on Katniss

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Q: What do we learn from Peeta's interview?
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What is peetas condition of peetas hands?

In the movie nothing happens to his hands. In the book Katniss pushes him after the interview (just like in the movie). An urn is broken during the altercation, and Peeta's hands are cut by the shards of the broken urn. They need medical attention. This happens the night before the games begin.

What act of kindness does Peetas dad show to Katniss?

Peetas dad have gave Katniss cookies.

Which type of interview is conducted to learn about the personal characteristics of the interviewee?

Behavioral interview

What do Peetas parents do?

They are bakers.

What are Peetas special skills?


What represents peetas bread?


What effect does peetas declaration of love have on the crowd how may this foreshadow the future?

Peetas love has a strong effect on the crowd. This will help out int he future.

What is peetas skill?

Peeta's skills are camouflage, painting, and baking!

What does katniss need in the Hunger Games?

Medicine for Peetas leg.

What is peetas condition?

He has a missing leg that he was given an artifical replacement for.

What do peetas parents do in The Hunger Games?

Peeta's parents are bakers