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The shelters provide the practical purpose of offering shelter from the weather. They also provide a substitute for home, a place where the boys can gather together in the hours of darkness to seek comfort from being close to other people. They provide an escape from the darkness and unknown which lies outside their walls. Symbolically the huts represent the failure of the boys society. Collectively the boys decided that they needed huts, collectively they agreed to put in the work to build them and then they all went off to bathe and play and left Ralph and Simon to get on with the work.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Most commentators feel that the chapter titles Beast from the Water and Beast from Air symbolise Hilter's invasion plans during World War II. I think Huts on the Beach is a symbolic reference to the coastal defenses made by Britain in preparation for the expected invasion by Germany during World War II. The huts foreshadow the coming conflict between Jack's tribe and Ralph's group. As a supposed symbol of unity they fail badly as the majority of the boys took no part in building two of the three shelters. Indeed while Ralph and Simon struggled to build the third shelter most of the other boys were bathing while Jack was off hunting, which caused a good deal of friction between him and Ralph when he returned.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The sand castles represent a smaller civilization. They are created by the littluns to minimize their anguish. When Maurice and Roger destroy them, it shows their dominion over the smaller children.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The significance of the title "Huts on the Beach" in Lord of the Flies is that during this chapter, huts were constructed. Not only were the huts considered as shelter, but also as symbol of civilization and a sense of "home"

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The forest/whole island of this novel represents what can be called a microcosm of a macrocosm, or a smaller picture of the bigger picture. In other words, they represent a smaller, condensed version of our world in that time period.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The island represents the garden of eden.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the corruption of society

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Q: What do the huts symbolize in the Lord of the Flies?
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What is the title of chapter three in lord of the flies?

The title of chapter three in Lord of the Flies is "Huts on the Beach."

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In chapter three: Huts on the Beach Ralph and Simon are in the process of constructing the third shelter.

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