human like fishes ,because of their color,shape,life style,innocence& their meet.
human dislike their smell,
that you dislike them, or dislike something about them. not hate - as hate is a strong word - but like a bit off with them - not so keen or any words like that :)
A man does not need to like or dislike being gay; he is born with the sexual orientation and nothing can be done about it. As much as he may dislike his sexual orientation, there is nothing proven to change this.
Katherine Jenkins likes to sing and doesent like hot dogs
i like being a teenager as we can do what we like but some of the times we can't do do that's not a issue .but whatever it is i like to be a teenager
Cats have preferences for food just as much as humans do! Your cat may not like the smell or taste of the food. They like certain types of food, like some humans like chocolate or pasta, and dislike other types of food, like some humans dislike spinach or broccoli.
Stonefish dislike sharks they eat them
No, squids are not fish.
He doesn't like fish and shrimp. He said they taste weird. Lol
the puffer fish are related to humans because they protect themselves just like humans.
Fish like humans in the Zelda series
Humans, whales and bigger fish like John Dory.
fish breathe eat and move just like we do
As said, they are too simple to like or dislike. If they touch a human, the human gets a very painful sting.
I think they're afraid of me and humans like me. They can't survive in our world because we're doubters and skeptics.
I suggest you ask a fish! What is it line to be anything which is not human? — We, as humans, will never know.
A homophone for dislike is this like.