Number ONE, document it!
1. Kit Carson is famous for only one reason; Capt Fremont wrote about him and the news spread back east.
There were many many famous scouts/trappers/hunters, California Joe...Fitzgerald (crooked hand or broken hand), Jim Bridger, Joe Walker, George Nidiver, but ONLY ONE KIT CARSON! Because he had a promoter...someone who advertised for him.
2. Wyatt Earp is famous because of the writer Ned Buntline and Earp's shooting incident in Arizona in 1881 (OK Corrall). Earp spent only a few years as a law man, most of his life he was a bar owner, boxing referee, prospector, and real estate man. But he's remembered for being a law man because SOMEONE WROTE ABOUT HIM!
Famous people become famous by showing that they have talent. In order to do that, they have to find a talent scout to show them that they have the talent that it takes to become famous. You can be the best carpenter/locksmith/dentist in the country, but unless someone of some fair influence makes it known publicly, you will mainly be known to your local clients. Even in show business, you generally need some 'lucky break' to do well.
Susan Boyle is the classic example: she was not 'discovered' until she was 48! If it was not for such a show as 'Britain's Got talent' rising more recently, she would have remained totally unknown in the back blocks of Scotland. Think how many previous Susan Boyle's the world has missed out on!!
Even Justin Bieber was not genuinely famous until he had been discovered and promoted by other famous people.
Nevertheless, there is a start to it all; and that start is just plain HARD WORK and being humble enough to be able to be taught and to learn! So first get an acting coach or singing coach. Practice a lot and go for try outs. Try American Idol OR America's Got Talent. Look up any roles in movies for audition. Never give up and keep your head held up high. Really, although you might like the call of "fame" itself, your prime motivation for what you are doing is simply that YOU LOVE IT. If you don't love it, you will never do as well as others who do. So if you are mainly in it for the possible name you make for yourself, you can probably give the idea over before you start.
Well People Become famous In all diffrent ways - Acting - Singing - Modelling - Sports - Being In Relatsionships With Celebrities And theres many more Ways. Celebrites get famous from diffrent things Origanal things (: I Suppose its just a matter of luck & what you can do and who you are Thankyou I Hope this Helped you ;
nowadays, you can become famous for just about anything. Sometimes this is bad because people become famous for stupid things, like making terrible music and inventing stupid dances, or sometimes its good because someone will make or do something awesome. :] kinda depends on how you look at it.
yes. it is hard to become famous because there are a million people out there that want to become famous. but only one out of those a million people is going to be the chosen one.
I'm guessing happy, but none of us are them, so how should we know? Each famous person probably had their own different emotion when they became famous. We will have our own emotion for being famous when we actually experience it.
Potentially, you could become famous by being on FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.
he became famous on youtube
how did daphne odjig become famous
That By Helping Deaf People He will become famous
yes. it is hard to become famous because there are a million people out there that want to become famous. but only one out of those a million people is going to be the chosen one.
It is not the business of the Disney Channel to decide who is and who is not famous, or who can become or not become famous. People become famous based on their talents and their work, regardless of their religion.
Famous people come to them.
No procrastinator can ever become famous.
Ok you become famous on halo when you get xbox live then you can talk to people and more!!!! yes and even become famous
People seldom become famous for what they say until after they are famous for what they've done. - Cullen Hightower. do somthing to earn fame and your famous
To become famous.
Anyone can become famous. It depends on what they do and how the impact people's lives.
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Otis rush is famous for sexual abusing people