Marching bands wear feathers to make them look taller.
Mighty Music Band is a musical band that The Fresh Beat Band meets in Season 3. My guess is that they are a doppleganger version of The Fresh Beat Band. Not the look-alike type dopplegangers, but they are a band that is similar to The Fresh Beat Band such as personalities, outfits etc. My other guess is that Mighty Music Band members also have names simialr to The Fresh Beat Band. I believe that Mighty Music Band also has 4 band members just like The Fresh Beat Band.
obviously of course. after all they are called MGMT. mostly stoners/potheads like me like the band MGMT. and i am telling the truth. look at their music videos... its a total stoner band
No, infact band member Harry Styles is pretty much a close look alike. It's not him though. Band Members: Niall Horan Zayn Malik Liam Payne Harry Styles Louis Tomlinson
what do ya think!!!!!!!!!!. ya they do. what kind of band members would they be if the never talked. that would be horrable. i was lucky enough to see a consert of them in saskatoon sk on November 10 /o9 in fact im such a good fan of kiss i get tickets offered to me before any one else. look me up on the kiss army... if only ya knew my name..............................hee heee
It was a marketing ploy.
KISS is the band famous for the black and white makeup on its members' faces, known as the "Demon," "Starchild," "Spaceman," and "Catman." They are renowned for their elaborate live performances, catchy rock anthems, and iconic look.
Go to and there are pictures of the band on there.
Paul Stanley Gene Simmons Peter Chris Ace Freehley (spelled wrong) and there were other members in the past, but you need to look on Wiki
Marching bands wear feathers to make them look taller.
Please see the Related Link(s) below to view pictures of the band members of Black Veil Brides.
It depend on how you kiss her/him. You can also tell the look on her face like if she like the kiss or not.
their style kind of does, but they don't. and there are 5 band members in honor society, not 3
In order to meet Westlife band members, you should look up their concerts and venues. Attending these concerts is your best chance of meeting the band members.
the wanted look like this:
they used japanesse kabuki make-up to look demonic
M. Shadows (Matt Sanders) the bands lead singer its kind of obvious, do you not know what the band members look like