if your talking about indians on an average ,they listen to all kinds but the urban ones love genres like rock , pop and rap.
here's an example of indian rock.
she would probably listen to classical
Listen to bad music - now I listen to good music
You can go to youtube.com and search the songs you want to listen to.
what sort of music did teddy boy listen to what sort of music did teddy boy listen to
they don't!
They listen many kinds of music but the most popular is classical.
"who says" by Selena Gomez listen to it
nicki minaj
jazz and love songs
Rap and hip hop
jazz and love songs
i could tell you lots. how about the paleo Indians are the oldest la Indians. Dont listen to whoever wrote this!
jay chou Fahrenheit and S.H.E.
Dubstep, they enjoyed the works of Skrillex
well the answer to that question is thats the plains indians were forced to listen to bock . bock is a type of music thats you have to to sing to