No , Julia did not use Spike for any reason for if she had she would not have had the difficulties she went through had she killed Spike when Vicious and the Red Dragon crime syndicate wanted her to so I do not see how she 'used' Spike because it resulted in her death , and Spikes' , when they sought to get out of the syndicate when they finally found each other .
Not really, they were always encouraging him, but never pushed him.As Papa Criss once said: "Kids use their eyes, not their ears. They don't always listen but they always watch what you do."Oh and also mama Criss said : "The power of a smile goes a long way"I also met them for a few seconds, and they were really nice :)
16,395,830 I went on this sight and i met cameron---- I took A closeup of his face and i put it in this software and i use the pick tool on a freckle and the results cameup
Shadow and Amy have only met a few times and have not interacted with each other a lot. SEGA still hasn't officially announced anything about their relationship. So Shadow may just like Amy as a friend.
They first met when Harry heard Ron's mother use the term "Muggles" at King's Cross, so he knew she was a witch. She told him how to get to platform 9 3/4, and Ron went into Harry's compartment on the train because "everyone else was full." He tells Harry about how he hates corned beef, but his mother always forgets, and that's the only lunch he has. So when the lunch trolley comes by, Harry orders a load of sweets and that pretty much seals their friendship.
When there are no scoring rubrics available you can use many other assessment tools. You can also make your own rubric.
a rubric
Teachers, studenta, and evaluators
a rubric
a rubric
One can use a holistic or analytic rubric with a good project management plan. The rubric should have categories that describe the criteria for what should be included in the project management plan.
what should be observe in making and use of scoring rubrics
Depends on what you are scoring, a general scoring tool could be a razor knife. I use a razor for scoring drywall. EX- for title there is a title scoring tool and so on.
Maybe. My experience is as a teacher using the rubric as a scoring guide to evaluate the quality of students constructed responses. It gives me consistency for grading and criteria for grading. Given to a student a rubric can be used in planning their work and evaluating their own work. This can give a way to self evaluate, reflect, and use peer review. Because of these things it could help them become independent workers.
Maybe. My experience is as a teacher using the rubric as a scoring guide to evaluate the quality of students constructed responses. It gives me consistency for grading and criteria for grading. Given to a student a rubric can be used in planning their work and evaluating their own work. This can give a way to self evaluate, reflect, and use peer review. Because of these things it could help them become independent workers.