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Jamir Booker

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Q: What did the Danes do when the Germans were approaching their naval fleet?
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Why did the Danes blow up their own naval fleet in Number the Stars?

The Danes scuttled their own navy to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Germans during World War II. This act was a strategic move to deny the Germans access to the Danish naval fleet and prevent them from using it against Denmark or other Allied nations.

What were the fireworks on kirsti's birthday in number of stars?

The 'fireworks' were the Danes blowing up their own naval fleet, so the Germans could not use them. butt

Why did the Danes destroy their own naval fleet?

They destroyed their naval fleet because they didn't want the Nazis to use it for evil. They didn't want them to use it against them.

Who sunk Denmark's naval fleet in world war 2?

In August 1943, following the failure of the Danes to surrender the Danish Navy to Germany, 31 ships were scuttled by their own Danish crews.

What six letter word with 3 letter A's that means a Naval Fleet?

Armada is a six letter word for a naval fleet.

What do you call a fleet of ships?

Just that-- a fleet. To be more specific, a naval fleet. Oftentimes, terms used to describe aerial vessels are also used to describe naval vessels.

What is the name of a Spanish Naval leader in the Spanish-American war?

Admiral Patricio Montojo, Commander Naval Fleet Manila. Admiral Pascual Cervera, Commander Naval Fleet Cuba.

What were the fireworks that Kirsti thought she heard on her birthday?

Kirsti thought she heard fireworks on her birthday, but they were actually gunshots from a German warplane targeting their city.

What is a group name for naval ships?

There are several names for smaller numbers of naval ships (squadron, or naval squadron, division, flotilla, task force, carrier battle group, and so on.The main collective noun for a large group of naval ships is a fleet.

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What countries had the most powerful navy in the world in the early 1900s?

1. The greatest naval fleet of the 20th century was the USN. 2. The largest empire and the greatest naval fleet of the 20th century was Japans.

What first fleet ships were naval escorts?

Of the eleven ships of the First Fleet to Australia, the two naval escorts were the flagship, the HMS Sirius, and the Supply.