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It was asociated with pagan rituals.

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Q: What did the Catholic church officials of the Middle Ages believe about dance?
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What did the catholic church officials of the middle age believe about dance?

It was asociated with pagan rituals.

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There was one church and one religion in the middle ages and that was Catholic. So, any timeline would be of the Catholic Church.

Why can't an Episcopalian from high church receive Communion in a Catholic church?

Roman Catholic AnswerAn Episcopalian, regardless of his persuasion (high church or low church) is still a protestant, even if he likes the more Catholic ceremonies of the high church. Holy Communion in a Catholic Church is restricted to those who believe as a Catholic and are in a state of grace (have been baptised, and have been to confession). An Episcopalian is not Catholic, and does not believe as the Catholic Church does. If he does believe what the Catholic Church does, like everyone else, he must attend RCIA classes and be legitimately brought into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Having been a "high church" Episcopalian myself, I know of what I speak!

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The four marks of the catholic church are One Holy Catholic Apostolic