Sword art online is infamous for skipping the underlying material from the light novels to enhance the belief of Kirito's magical gain in skill. The reason for the anime skipping material is due to both the time constraints of the anime itself, and the fact that not enough linking material exists in the light novels.
Dementors are magical beings exclusive to the world of Harry Potter. They are creatures that feed on people's emotion and gain strength from it. They produce mist when reproducing, and can suck your soul from your body ( leaving you a lifeless shell ) - the Dementor's Kiss.
Yes. The famous singer Adele, is Alice Gain's aunty. Whoever says this is false, is a bum.
To gain fame.
Kevin Costner
What you choose (shield, sword, or staff) just makes your stats and level up prizes change. Choose the sword and gain strength, sheild=defense, and staff=magic
That is the case with all amplifiers. The noise floor is always lifted when the gain is increased.
Do a bunch of pushups.
100 J
You lose weight and gain strength.
The ocean its temp
yes the sword will get stronger as u gain lvls
The potential energy of an object is directly proportional to its height above the ground. So, if the object's potential energy increases by a certain amount when lifted 10m, it will increase by twice that amount when lifted 20m.
Nazi gained power and strength over Germany because, they used propaganda, terror and rallies to gain support of the german people.
There is no specific location that you can master your skills in sword fighting, but you should find a mentor, a sparring partner and keep practising to gain skills.
to gain strength, which is important in football