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Q: What did The Golden Girls always eat when they were upset?
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Is kiwifruit good for upset stomach?

No not really. Eat bananas. They restore vitamins and relax the stomach to calm down. Soccer girls/boys eat bananas constantly to cute stomach pain and cramps

Will you ever eat golden pudding?

you will only eat golden pudding if you what to

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you say sorry give her a hug pick her some flowers and/or give her somthing to eat or drink. that normally works.

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Millions of people eat it, so I doubt it would upset you.

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Could it be a symptom of pregnancy if you are always hungry and have hunger pains and after you eat you have an upset stomach?

Hello. Yes this can be a symptom of pregnancy. But the tell tale symptom is no period.

What do golden retrivers eat?

What do all dogs eat?!?!?!?! Golden Retrivers are no exception.

Would you eat a golden delicious?

A Golden delicious is an apple so yes you could eat it

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The best time to take Sangobion Vitamins is right before you're about to eat breakfast. Always take vitamins right before you eat or right after, as you do not want to upset your stomach.

What cereal does granny goodwitch never get to eat?

Granny Goodwitch never gets to eat Post Golden Crisp cereal. In the cartoon, Sugar Bear is always stealing her cereal for himself.

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dog food but when there stomachs are upset then they eat grass.

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Golden cheeked warblers eat insects, spiders, and occasional seeds.