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I will attempt translating from Spanish to English (from an article I read in Spanish) what the exact cause of death was for Nilda "Puchi" Perez, the wife of the late Salsa singer Hector Lavoe. Nilda, who previously underwent open-heart surgery, was also ill from Asthma. Apparently, she wanted to leave her apartment and attempted to go down the stairs. It's not known if she was suffering an attack. Unfortunately, she lost her balance and fell down the stairs. Her head hit the pavement below really hard. Her grandson witnessed the accident. Nilda died from the head injuries sustained in the slip-and-fall accident. She was 52 years of age.
Nilda, as stated at the end of "El Cantante", died in an accident in 2002. She died a few weeks after the famous interview.

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How did Hector Lavoe's wife die?

Nilda "Puchi" Lavoe, as stated at the end of "El Cantante," died in an accident in 2002. She fell trying to climb onto the balcony of her NY apartment; she had locked herself out. Nilda died a few weeks after the famous interview.

How did hector lavoe wife nilda puchi roman die?

She was in an accident a few weeks after an interview she had. She was in an accident a few weeks after an interview she had.

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Nilda Roman Perez aka Puchi was the legendary salsa singer Hector Lavoe's wife.

How did nilda puchi Perez died?

AnswerNilda Roman Perez died in an accident, according to her grandson she fell and hit her head very hard, "the Lavoe curse" , that started with Lavoe's older brother, caught up with Hector's son Tito, and then Hector Lavoe himself.

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You can find pictures of Hector Lavoe's wife, Nilda "Puchi" Roman, under Google pictures.

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Nilda Puchi Roman Perez was the wife of the legendary salsa singer, Hector Lavoe. They had two children. The elder was Hector Perez Jr., and the younger was Leslie Perez.

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Hector Lavoe died in 1993.

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Puerto Rican singer Puchi Lavoe's maiden name was Hilda Gertrudis Perez.

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Héctor Lavoe died on June 29, 1993 at the age of 46.

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Nilda Spencer died on October 9, 2008, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil of cardiac arrest after surgery.

Where is the 2002 Nilda Perez interview about Hector Lavoe?

This is a very interesting question. It is very specific. There is no location in which you can find this interview. I know because I had checked myself. Maybe this interview is mistaken for another.