He discovered a ancient skeleton, to find out more go to: PHSchool.com/ancientciv
The site dose not talk about Michael Brunet! But the site dose provide good info. on early ancient civilizations and the people. Great site go check it out! Again that's:
Liz Fye
Frank Brunet is 178 cm.
he discover xray
Michael is the only Michael in the familly
Michael Boston's birth name is Michael Griffin.
Joan Brunet's birth name is Joan Brunet Pujol.
Michael Faraday invented lots of stuff...........including, the electric motor and he discovered induction.....Helpful?
Roger Brunet was born in 1931.
Claude Brunet was born in 1940.
Norm Brunet was born in 1958.
Brunet Zamora was born in 1974.
Uc Brunet died in 1220.
Uc Brunet was born in 1190.
Marta Brunet died in 1967.
Marta Brunet was born in 1897.
Luiza Brunet is 176 cm.
Christophe Brunet was born in 1967.