Credited with coining the word "make-up". Refer to wiki entry or for more info.
Max Born helped with quantum mechanics. This Website gives a very in depth explanation of what he did.
Max factor
Yes he is still alive, he was born in Montana in 1998 year. He was a ADIDAS Modal. His real name is Max Ellis. School is Bethany Morrison Academy
The Grinch's dog is named Max
august 27,1920
he invented it in his head with shet !
they didnt create lipgloss first
Yes, He invented lip gloss in 1930
He did it in 1914, for movie making purposes in Poland.
The inventor who invented the word "makeup" and quite a lot of the products used today, was Max Factor.
Max Factor was a cosmetician.
Max Factor's birth name is Frank Factor.
max factor died because he got shot
Max Factor was born on August 18, 1904.
max factor