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The shadow represents aspects that the individual dislikes in others, but fails to see that he himself also has them.

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Q: What did Jung mean by shadow?
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A shadow in a dream could refer to the dreamer's darker, under developed, unacknowledged self. According to Psychologist Carl Jung, aspects of an individual's personality that are rejected and undesirable, such as jealousy and rage or the "naughty" urges that were punished in childhood, are deeply buried in the unconscious mind. In dreams, this shadow self sometimes can emerge as a frightening monster or as a literal shadow, causing nightmares or night terrors.

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I think you might mean, what is the Choong Jung "form" for red belt in the ATA (American Taekwondo Association / Song Ahm Taekwondo). In that case, the answer is Choong Jung EE Jahng (Choong Jung 2nd form). (See related link below)

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Dieter. Jung has written: 'Dieter Jung'

Is jung a genius?

If you mean on Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychiatrist (1875-1961), then we can say - it is sure that he is still very influential, but real answer to your question depends on personal opinion.