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Louis Pasteur was a world renowned French chemist and biologist. He was born on December 27 1822 in the town of Dole in Eastern France. Pasteur founded the science of microbiology and proved that most Infectious Diseases are caused by microorganisms. This became known as the "germ theory" of disease. He was the inventor of the process of pasteurisation and also developed vaccines for several diseases including rabies. The discovery of the vaccine for rabies led to the founding of the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1888. As a result of these findings Pasteur was asked to help the local breweries where the beer had turned bad. The souring of wine and beer was a major economic problem in France. Pasteur looked at some droplets of bad beer through a microscope and observed that the beer contained small rod shaped bacteria, instead of round yeast cells. Although microorganisms are essential in fermentation they must be the right ones. This was a major discovery. Pasteur made brewing a more scientific procedure and showed brewers how to culture the right organisms for good beer. He also demonstrated to the wine industry that if wine is gently heated to sixty degrees Celsius for a short time, the growth of harmful bacteria is prevented and the wine does not go sour in bottles or barrels. Pasteur then extended this to other problems such as the souring of milk. He proposed heating the milk to a high temperature and pressure before bottling. The process is now in widespread use and is called pasteurisation.

During the time of Louis Pasteur someone else was around making similar discoveries, this was Felix Pouchet. Felix performed similar experiments to Pasteur, but possibly not as careful to sterilise all his equipment (some microbes are resistant even to boiling) so found microbes where Pasteur did not. Came to opposite conclusions and disputed with Pasteur at French academy of sciences in 1860's.

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