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James Madison was a very important delagate at the Constitutional convention. He took vivid notes which helped the other delagates on agreeing on the constitution. He was a Virgina delicate

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Edmund Randolph Proposed the Virginia Plan. :)

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Q: What did Edmund Randolph do at the Constitutional Convention?
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The draft constitution that was introduced at the start of the Constitutional Convention was authored by who?

Edmund Randolph

Who was the politician from Virginia who was at the constitutional convention?

At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Madison drafted the plan presented by Virginia Governor Randolph, and William Patterson of _______ presented a plan that was similar to the Articles of Confederation.

Who introduced the Virginia Plan?

James Madison drafted the Virginia Plan, and Edmund Randolph presented it to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It proposed a bicameral legislature for the United States.

Whos the author of the Virginia Plan?

The author of the Virginia Plan was James Madison. Edmund Randolph was the man who presented the plan to the Constitutional Convention.

What did Edmund Randolph do after the convention?

he went to drink water :)

Who presented the Virginia plan?

Edmund Randolph actually presented it, but Madison drafted it.

How did Edmund Randolph contribute to the Constitutional Convention?

He banned slavery and he also told people that they should have freedom and he was the one who put the documentary all together. He also had a wife name Madison who was a slave and he let her free.But Madison wasn't really Edmund's wife. It was a fake.

Who proposed Virginia plan?

Edmund Randolph proposed it, but James Madison wrote most of it.James Madison drafted the Virginia plan of representation at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Virginia governor Edmund Randolph is the person who officially placed the proposal to the convention.Edmund randolphI guess that depends on what you mean by proposed. The plan was drafted by delegate James Madison, as part of a committee, but he was likely the main impetus. However, delegate Edmund Randolph that officially put it before the convention. It was presented on May 29, 1787.

Who sponsored the New Jersey plan at the Constitutional Convention?

Edmund Randolph sponsored the Virginia Plan (also called the Virginia Resolves). William Patterson sponsored the New Jersey Plan.

What was Edmund Randolph's color?

Edmund Randolph was white.

Who was the chairman of the Committee of the Whole at the Constitutional Convention?

On 25th May, 1787 George Washington was elected chairman of Philadelphia convention. This was the first order of business of the convention. The main business on the convention's agenda was "Virginia plan" presented by Governor of Virginia Edmund Randolph. It dealt with new structure of government.

Who created the compromise at the constutional convention?

Roger Sherman