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Gaara had Shukaku, the one-tailed tanuki. That's before Akatsuki took it from him.

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Q: What demon does Gaara have inside him?
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Who does the akatsuki take first to suck the demon inside of the person?

gaara they take the shakaku

Who is the owner of the 1-tailed demon?


How do you get Gaara's sand spirit?

The spirit that was inside Gaara was one of the Jinjuriki. It was the first. The One Tailed Demon. Gaara was born with it when his father sealed it in him when he wasn't even born yet. There are nine total Jinjuriki's

What is Gaara's demon?

shukaku the one tailed beast

What episode does Gaara's sand demon come out?

Episode 74- Astonishing Truth: Gaara's Identity Emerges!

What does gaara mean?

Gaara means, "I love only myself, I am a demon." His name is broken down into parts, GA, (I or me) A, (stands for Ai, or love.) RA, (used here to mean demon.) His name is also the Persian word for an extremly sour confection.

Does Neji from Naruto have a demon?

No. Neji doesn't have a demon. He only possesses the Byakugan. Only Naruto and Gaara have demons.

What does Gaara's name mean?

it means demon or unloved demon either it means ^that^ or it means only loves himself or lonely. not sure which awww that's so sad. i love gaara! he's the best! i'd totally be his friend

In naruto clash of ninja revolution 2 can you make Gaara turn into the sand demon?


When does Naruto tell Sakura the fact about a demon being inside him?

He never does. Chiyo Basama does. If u've seen the lastest few episodes of SHippuuden or u've read the chapter a couple years ago, u'll see Gaara's grandma tells her. Chiyo-baasama is not Gaara's grandmother.

Was Gaara a jinkurki in naruto Shippuden?

yes but the akatski take the Shukaku from him Shikaku=1 tails by sasukelover21- yes. gaara is a jinkuriki. he has the 1 tail inside of him. Gaara becomes the kazakae of the hidden sand. he is later captured by Deidara who kidnaps him and brings him to the akatski base. this is where he gets the demon extracted from him. otherwise known as the shukaku. (apologize for spelling) during this, he dies. no jinkuriki survives after getting it extracted. it is impossible. but Gaara comes back to life when a elder lady chiyo uses a jutsu on him to bring him back to life. she traded her life for his, and she did this because she was the one who put the demon inside of Gaara. when Gaara returns to the village he is welcomed by everyone, just as he wanted. he didn't want anyone to fear him and he wanted to be like naruto. when he returns to the village, he resumes his duties in the sand and continues being the kazakage.

Why can Gaara still control sand and have the one tailed sand demon inside him if it was sealed by the Akatsuki?

yes but he won't have as much sand as before gaara can still use sand because its like baki with wind but with gaara and sand. this is correct although gaara no longer has shakaku inside of him. he controls the sand by his charkra although because the shakaku was removed from his body he no longer posses the ability to be able to defend from attacks by the sand instantly as that was the sand demon. he should still be able to use the ultimate defence as i believe that is himself who does that and not the one tail __________ The ultimate defence was never shukakus' power. It was his mothers love.