He Died in 2009 :) They made a tribute to him by making an episode dedicated to him (: Hope this helped!
Miley Cyrus' horse's name is Roam-Man. He recently passed away and the new ''Hannah Montana: Forever" 'Love That Lets Go' was dedicated to him. ): So sad! ):
No absolutley not. Miley Cyrus is really a man.
Roam - Man got very old and died.
It wasn't her mum it was a black man. and also miley Cyrus did get hit in a car crash but she didn't dieHer mum got killed in the car crash but miley did not get hurtwyat??????? This is the f-i-c-t-i-o-n-a-lseries
Just a random horse with no name it is not Miley's horse in real life.
Miley Cyrus' horse's name is Roam-Man. He recently passed away and the new ''Hannah Montana: Forever" 'Love That Lets Go' was dedicated to him. ): So sad! ):
Hannah loves horses or Miley Cyrus because she used to have a horse named Roam Man
in the moovie <Hannah Montana> miley has a horses called bleujeans BUT HER HORSE IS REAL NAME IS ROAM-MAN SO SHE SORTAVE HAS 2 HORSES BUT HER REAL HORSES IS ROAM-MAN SO 2 HORSES SHE HAS.
Well I only know 1 of there names and that name would be ''blue jeans''.
im trying to find out myself but i no she had 8 horses 4 dogs and 6 cats but one of her horses Roam-man passed away in 2009 so she only has 7 horses we wish the best for her horse Roam-man :) hve a nice day
No absolutley not. Miley Cyrus is really a man.
romance i think cause blue jeans got back up and i think it actually waz the horse at the end of her episode dedicating it to her real horse that died, it was something like roam man or something rather, so ya.
its a horse.
No it is Miley Cyrus!