Paul Revere was born on January 1, 1735
From when it first came out in 1999 up to the present day.
Millions and Billions of people watch spongebob.From, Bryan HollickRaleigh, North CarolinaPEACE OUT!!!that is dum
March 30, 1964
May 1, 1999 is when the first episode of Spongebob Squarepants aired.
November 19, 2004
May 1, 1999
day, month and year
July 30,1999 i was made in that day and year and month because my name is Fuji lol
There was no day, month or year zero.
How to change date range from, Month, Day, Year, to Day, Month ,Year, when receiving mail in Outlook Express
It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.
Paul Revere was born on January 1, 1735
Day - When the earth does a spin Month - When the moon orbits us Year - When we orbit the sun